Communication, Meditation, Prayers for Healing, Sleeping


Locate a place in an energy field or a place of solitude that speaks to your own spirit where you can sit quietly and speak in a mindful whisper about your day, your needs and the needs of others in your life. The Guides and Spirits are there to listen to what you have to tell them.

Plan to spend up to 20 minutes, more if needed, for your meditation. Try not to be distracted with what may be going on around you. Tell your friends to stand back, to the side or to spend their time elsewhere while you do this. This is your time to spend on your own. Most of us have never spent this kind of time alone. Your friends can come later to help you with your experience, discuss with you what you the messages you received and the images you saw.  You will know if when they speak it is the word of the Guides and Spirits. Trust your friends to know the words you need to say. After you have talked a bit...just sit and listen and look into the energy field area, as if peering intensely forward into it, and just wait. Wait for images and messages to enter your mind. Let a smile come. Let yourself cry if you feel that emerging from deep inside you. It's ok to become emotional. Home energy and the presence of the Guides and Spirits can be intense and quite powerful. And when you feel you have spent enough time of it there then go. Leave. And perhaps if not then the images and messages and their meaning will show up later, days later, weeks or months later. And go again when you need to or when you feel you are being called to go.

Touching Them

In the cold air, in a place for that, in an energy field, stand and wave one hand in a half arc above in front of you down past you to the other side, using your left or right hand, with open face palm away from you and then swing back the arc and stop, pull it towards you to feel even colder air and then push outward and seek warm spots. You'll find them. They are there. And when you have touched  them as they poked through the cold air area from their home. The motion is sort of like washing a window clean in a wide arch...first upward and over and then quickly down as if falling from a slide through the air and almost back up to a midpoint of where you started the wave.

Crossing Your Path

Stand still in a crowded area, a walkway, a park of an event, an open area at the mall or other crowded area and just stand there, still, quiet, and with your eyes looking about. Don't they all look the same to you, the people there, don't they all look the same to you busy about where they are going? And wait, silently for a bit with little eye movement and then, a little at a time, turn your head about and look...and eventually a spirit, another messenger or a guide will walk past you. It will be a person, someone different, a girl, a woman, a boy, a man, someone you just seem to if you are part of them. They'll be different then everyone else there. And they'll just glide across your paths of view and around the others there as if they don't even exist. You'll know them. And if they turn toward and smile at will be their signal to you that they know you. And while you might not notice them right away...they will take notice of your presence because they are one of you and they know you understand the meaning of it all the way they do.

Communication From A Far or at a Portal

You can communicate everywhere and anywhere you are including when you are in a portal. As needed or to ask, stop and close your eyes or look afar into the expanse of the space in front of you....and just start speaking about your day, you needs, the help you need, your need for their care, their guidance, their love, their protection. And they will be there for you. Listen and wait for their response. Hear and wait for their word. See the images they give you. Know they are working with others around you and those you know. And that there are many...more than you can count. So much going on just for you and your needs and the needs of others you know.

Prayers for Healing and to Lessen or Eliminate Pain

The prayers for healing and lessen or eliminate pain are handled by the Healing Artists and also by the Guides and Spirits. Each of these groups can help, but it is the Healing Artists who are spirits who specialize in healing and the taking away of pain. Healing Artists work in a similar manner as does The Dreamland Man....the spirits who puts you to sleep at night.... who also takes away the pain.

The Guides are the holders of the Focus....they manage and enlighten those who follow the Focus. The Spirits are those who carry and spread the Focus and put in place all that is necessary for the the Focus to flourish in the best interests of those who follow it. Together the Guides and Spirits bring about the work necessary for the prayers to be answered in a manner they feel is best. They and the Healing Artists act quickly as the need by the one or ones praying is an immediate need whether the prayer is for their self or for matter where they may be. And this work they all do continues even after the prayers are no longer called out.

The following prayer is about making a calling to the Healing Artists (and/or the Guides and Spirits) to come to you, to enter the body part where there is pain and discomfort, to ask for them to help heal that part, the cause of that pain and discomfort even if you are not sure what is causing it....and then to tell them to protect, to shield and to guard your whole body and more so those certain parts of the body being prayed for... from bad spirits who may attempt to enter these parts to cause harm....or linger nearby to put the pressure of their harm upon those areas of the body.

Through prayer the call initiates the orchestration of all the Guides, Spirits and Healing Artists to assist....tho there were will be a great many coming to work inside and outside of the area where their help is needed.

Remember....they have come following the Focus. You can ask for one part of your body, each and every part or in general your mind and body so that you may, in full, be taken care of. Wait a bit quietly thereafter your prayers while they continue to do their work. I have used this prayer a number of times and each and every time it has helped me to feel better. I have been quite amazed at the immediate relief I have felt.

The prayer, making a calling.....

Many Guides, Many Spirits
I call upon the Healing Artists
Come into my <body part> and take away the pain
Come into my <body part> and help heal the cause of the pain and discomfort
Come into my <body part> to help heal <the name or condition> in my <body part>
Protect, Shield and Guard this part of me from bad spirits who may attempt to harm me

For Sleeping

When you wish to sleep for just a moment.....when you wish to sleep for a period of extended time such as sleeping at night....and you feel sleep coming over will be from the Dreamland Man....for he is coming to put you to sleep. You can also call to him to put you to sleep.

Say the following when you feel he is coming to you. As you say this over and over you will find yourself entering deeper and deeper into sleep, the world around you fading away, your pains, whatever they may be, falling from you.

The Dreamland Man is coming
He is coming....
To push the world away
To take away the pain
So when he finally turns....
he can put me to sleep